2019 Loon Count on Lake Vermilion
On Monday, July 15, lake association volunteers scanned the waters of Vermilion for their 37th annual loon count. Seventy-one volunteers found a total 195 loons, including 159 adults and 36 chicks. The total was down 40 from 2018, but year-to-year variations are common. The Tower (East) end of the lake had 104 loons while the Cook (West) end had 91.
The information is compiled and sent to the MN Department of Natural Resources. Minnesota has the largest loon population in the lower 48 states. Thanks to hundreds of volunteers across the state, we now have over 20 years of loon data on more than 600 Minnesota lakes.
For counting purposes, Lake Vermilion is divided into 23 areas where volunteers are assigned to look for loons. Loon counting is usually done during the 2nd week of July at which time loon chicks are still small and will stay close to the parents. More information about the counting process can be found here.
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