Northern Pike Regulation Change on Lake Vermilion?
Anglers can play a role in a proposed fishing regulation change for northern pike on Lake Vermilion that would simplify northern pike regulations by bringing them in line with the new statewide zone regulation starting in May 2019.
Anyone who wants to ask questions and give input about the regulation proposal can attend an open house scheduled by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 22, at the Tower Civic Center, 402 Pine St., in Tower, Minn.
Lake Vermilion northern pike are currently managed under a special regulation that requires all pike from 24 to 36 inches long to be released and only one fish over 36 inches is allowed in a three-fish possession limit.
Under the northeast pike zone regulation, all fish from 30 to 40 inches long must be released and no more than one over 40 inches is allowed to be kept in a two fish possession limit.
Spearers would be allowed to take any size pike but would be allowed only one fish over 26 inches in the two fish possession limit.
“We are interested in the public’s preference about this because either regulation will help maintain the size of pike anglers enjoy on Lake Vermilion,” said Edie Evarts, Tower area fisheries supervisor. “Northern pike have done well and average size has increased under the special regulation that began in 2003. But a shift to the statewide zone regulation would simplify regulations while still protecting a portion of pike.”
Public comment on the pike regulation can be submitted through Wednesday, Sept. 26.
Questions or comments may be directed to the Tower area fisheries office, 650 Highway 169, Tower, MN 55790, by calling 218-300-7803, or emailing edie.evarts@state.mn.us.
Additionally, an open house about this proposal and other fishing regulations under review is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 26 at the DNR Central Office, 500 Lafayette Road in St. Paul. Staff will take comments on this proposal and other fishing regulations under review around the state.
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