Lake Vermilion Shore Lunch Sites Get New Tables
The Norwegian Bay North and Wolf Bay shore lunch sites now have new picnic tables, thanks to the combined efforts of the US Forest Service (USFS), the Lake Vermilion Fire Brigade, and the Vermilion Lake Association (VLA).
The new tables, provided by the USFS, were transported to the sites on the Lake Vermilion Fire Brigade fireboat. From there, they were muscled up the slope by Don and Laurie Potter of the Fire Brigade, USFS employees Mark Toot and Darby Youngstrom, and VLA board member Mel Hintz. While there, the USFS personnel checked the latrine trail for fallen trees, removed any litter, and cleaned out the fire pits.
These are two of the five sites on Vermilion managed for short term day use under a cooperative agreement between the USFS and the Vermilion Lake Association. Under this agreement, the USFS provides the picnic table, fire ring, and latrine and the VLA is responsible for the lift out dock at each site. VLA volunteers monitor the sites throughout the summer and USFS employees check them each spring and fall.
A smartphone-friendly map of all eight Lake Vermilion shore lunch sites can be found here on the Vermilion Lake Association (VLA) website. A printable PDF map is also available.
The public is welcome to use these sites. When you leave, please take out all litter, make sure your fire is dead out, and limit your stay out of courtesy to others. Camping and houseboat mooring are not permitted.
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