Photo Contest 2022: Lake Vermilion Seasons
The Vermilion Lake Association invites members to share the beauty of Lake Vermilion by submitting your photos! We are looking for photos of people or wildlife enjoying the lake, not only in the summer, but also winter, spring, and fall. (Hint: set your iPhone to “HDR”).
Email (as an attachment) your high-resolution photos to Lori Ptak by July 31 at lori@ptak.org. Please include your full name, approximate location on the lake and phone number along with your submission and a title or description (Please include which season category).
Photos will be printed and displayed at the Annual Meeting on August 6. Attending VLA Members will vote for their favorite in each category (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall). Winners will be notified and prizes awarded in each category. (Prizes include a MinnBox gift box, lake-themed wall hanging, and/or cash.)
By entering, you represent that your entry is your own original work and that you own or have the right to the submitted photo. By entering, you also grant permission to the Vermilion Lake Association to republish your submission, along with your name for credit, in any and all media without further permission, notice or compensation including print publication, online, and social media.
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